Our services
You may know something of the work of NPQonline and its close links with the providers under the current NPQs. Our company supplies a range of key services to the majority of providers of the National Professional Qualifications (NPQs) programmes in England. We have the capacity to continue this level of support nationally for the delivery of the new NPQ and National Headteacher Programme starting in 2021. We offer a range of services including:
- full coverage of NPQ/NHP content in low-cost, facilitated online courses
- final assessment with very little admin
- 360 diagnostics against assessment criteria
- experienced coaches
- face-to-face delivery of NPQ/NPH content
- support in writing online and F2F content
- we will deal with the moderation process for you, working closely with OFSTED, the appointed Quality assurance agent
- our track record gives you peace of mind and security, knowing that you are leaving the project submissions in safe hands
- we work closely with providers and so you can select your own windows for submission
For further information or for an informal chat contact Adrian Conway who will be happy to give you a price for your bespoke package.