Improve the knowledge and skills of teachers in your school, through support and challenge, to ensure a positive impact on pupil outcomes.
We know that high quality teaching leads to high quality learning and improved outcomes for children. It’s what we are all about really! This course builds on that idea and begins by the participants considering how we lead the performance of teachers, which includes performance management, sharing best practice and having those difficult conversations when needed. The course is full of information to support you in carrying out this role. As we move towards the second week of the course how we can support and develop the staff we work with by reflecting on recruitment and retention, subject knowledge and providing high quality professional development.
24 places left
18 places left
£141 | 7-8 hours | spread over a 2 week window (All prices include VAT)
Take your leadership to the next level. Reflect on key leadership theory and practice, aimed at raising standards for staff and pupils
Explore the leadership of curriculum intent, implementation and impact on pupil outcomes and apply to your own role and context.